
Andrew C. Freeman, computer science researcher and educator

I’m an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Baylor University. I got my PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, under the advisement of Ketan Mayer-Patel and Montek Singh. Before that, I got a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. And before that, I grew up near Dallas, Texas.

My research focuses on multimedia systems. I’m exploring asynchronous event representations for video, event compression, and event applications.

This site was built on Jekyll with the Ultra theme, hosted on GitHub Pages. I don’t update this site very often.


My CV is available here.

E-mail me for research reasons:

E-mail me for work reasons (e.g., consulting):

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I don’t use Twitter/X or Mastadon.

Mentoring & Collaboration

Undergraduate/Graduate Students

During my time at UNC, I have had the pleasure of working with and mentoring many other students/academics in research. Some of those students include:

In addition, I led four teams of undergraduate learning assistants during my first two years of graduate school.

Polygence (High School Students)

I mentor high school research projects through the Polygence platform.

Students mentored for full research projects:

Through the Polygence Pathfinders program, I have also met individually with 30+ high school students to discuss the world of computer science studies, job opportunities, research, and college applications.