What I Want from an Operating System

Back in middle school I got my first computer. It shipped with Windows Vista, an operating system infamous for its high resource demands and sluggish performance. When Windows 7 released, I didn’t want to spend $100 (that I probably didn’t have) just to get some more performance.

In my search for alternatives, I decided to dabble with Ubuntu Linux. I was a bit worried that I would mess up the installation, so I asked my dad for permission. To help convince him, I lied and said that a friend of mine from school had installed it recently. This white lie was probably the furthest that my teenage rebellion went, and I have since told my father and received his forgiveness along with some good laughs.

In high school, I built my first computer, an awful machine running an AMD FX “8-core” CPU (that was, in reality, 4 very bad cores). I didn’t leave enough room in my budget for a Windows license, so onward with Ubuntu it was. At this point in my life, I still had some interest in computer games, so I was on the Wine struggle bus trying to get Windows programs to run. The only game I remember actually getting to work was Limbo, where I got a very jittery 20 FPS.

Some old Ubuntu install discs I found at my parents' recently. My handwriting has not improved in the intervening years.

For undergrad, I needed to use a laptop. Linux firmware support at the time was abysmal for such systems, so I switched to Windows to make my life easier. In grad school, however, I quickly found that systems development was a nightmare on Windows. I switched back, and was not disappointed.

As an aside, I had two stints using a MacBook for internships in undergrad and grad school. I was amazed at the remarkable battery life those machines could achieve. I was not amazed by much else.

These days, I dual boot PopOS (based on Ubuntu, but I may change soon) and Windows… 10? 11? I’m not even sure. I only boot into Windows ocassionally to use Adobe Lightroom for photo editing.

Now, with the Windows BSOD nightmare last week, I was reminded of some reasons why I don’t think I can go back. I’ve ranted about these topics plenty of times to my wife and friends–none of whom care, and I don’t blame them–but maybe someone online will find my views insightful. Here is everything I want from an operating system.

The perfect OS should…

I wrote this list with desktop operating systems in mind, but I actually believe in these same principles for mobile operating systems, too. It should be obvious what kind of phone I have.